3/7/2022 0 Comments Raising Up Little Disciples![]() Little girl you were created for such a time as this. God has great purpose for you in this world. It’s our (your daddy and me) job to raise you up to be a warrior of God. We are called to an important role- to raise up godly leaders. So we will raise you up to know the power of Jesus and the power that you walk in as a child of God.
You were born for such a time as this Macie. When I think about raising up a little disciple I think of Jochebed the mother of Moses. She trusted God’s work and did not fear. One never knows when acts of faith may impact future generations in significant ways. So, consider the example of Jochebed and diligently pursue the purposes God has for you in the lives of your children!
![]() GRACE Something I need to give myself more of. I’m a planner, Major Type A. I like order, and schedules. I’m a Martha. But I need to be more like Mary. Luckily my mom is a Mary in and out and she puts me back on track. This post is real and raw. It’s me being vulnerable. We see a lot of “perfection” or what we think is perfection on social media. We see moms who we believe have it all figured out and have it all together. Fun fact: I don’t have it all together. Yesterday we decided to go to church in person for the first time since baby. I was stressed because in the morning she didn’t nap as long as I would have liked. Then I got the time of the service wrong and we were 30 minutes early. (it’s not the first time I’ve done that) when we got in it was smooth she fell asleep in her car seat! YES! But then….. Church music starts to play and well it’s more of a concert now a days. Baby wakes…. I rush out and put her baby noise canceling headphones on. Trying to protect her ears from the loud music that’s far too loud for her tiny ears. Praying she would just fall asleep as I bounced. Nope. Wide awake, just so curious of this new environment. Remember when I said I liked a schedule? Well I take the schedule very seriously lol I know how many hours she needs to eat and there is this amount of time for wake windows and then sleep. When those things don’t happen I get anxious. I know it’s silly, but anxiety, fear, and stress take hold. The devil taking a hold of me. At church! AHHHH!! I tried to relax, tell myself God is in control and he has a plan. Stress isn’t worth it. I called my mama and she prayed and reassured me everything is okay, I am a mom doing my best. As soon as I hung up. Baby fell asleep. Jesus took control. Jesus said give yourself grace. He reminded me he is in control. No I didn’t get to listen to the sermon. I sat in the nursing room watching this sweet little baby sleep so peacefully. And I made room for some grace in my heart. Here is the thing, most of the time things don’t go as planned. A nap with end early. Baby might not sleep. A feeding might be a little late. You might drop the burp cloth 10 times while bouncing. Etc. but one thing remains. JESUS Gods PEACE is a treasure. He purchased the gift of peace with his blood. We can receive peace by trusting him in the storms of life. If we focus on the worlds peace, everything going the way we want it to go - we don’t seek Gods peace. We should thank God when things don’t go to plan because spiritual blessings come in trials of life. We should expect trials in each day but if we seek Gods peace we can rejoice in those trials. James 1:2 - “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds.” 12/4/2021 0 Comments Baby Must Haves
Here is why I love these products:
SHOP MY FAVORITES BELOW: ![]() 10/13/2021 0 Comments What to Put on Your Baby Registry
Starting your baby registry can be extremely exciting but it can also be overwhelming. There are so many products out their on the market for babies and it is hard to know what to choose. Or even where to start your registry.
Step 1: Pick where you want to register. (I chose Babylist because you can choose to add products from anywhere and people can choose where to purchase them as well for the best price.) I also added an Amazon Registry as well because they offer 15% off a month before your baby is born so you can purchase anything you did not receive. Step 2: Start your Registry (I did a ton of research, and I knew that there were a few things I wanted that we were going to splurge on, like a nice crib from pottery barn. But I tried to stick to things that I had heard were must haves for other moms.) I highly recommend categorizing your registry as well to help (bath, feeding, for mom, diapering, etc) And don't forget to put a few things you will need on there too Mama!! I separated my registry into the following categories:
Now onto the Good Stuff! Here is what is on my Registry! ![]() ![]() ![]() The Registry explained
Baby Gear
If you are a soon to be parent, a question you are going to ask yourself is what stroller do I buy?
It's a big question, because the right stroller can make all the difference with ease and accessibility in daily life with your baby. You have to think of all the things to consider when buying a stroller like:
There are many different factors that play large rolls in what stroller you pick and the process is not easy. These were all things I took into consideration while doing my research on the perfect stroller. My biggest feature I knew I needed as a new mom and mom with one arm was the easy folding feature. Could my stroller fold with one arm? So let's get into what stroller I chose and why. Also sidenote: this is NOT sponsored. I bought this stroller because I believe in it and what the brand is doing. I am sharing it with you in hopes that it can ease some of your minds through the process of deciding which to get and maybe it will help out another one armed momma. I choose the Mockingbird Stroller. It was an easy choice for me. I had seen an ad for this stroller a long time ago and wrote it down in my notes so that whenever I became a momma I could go back to it. There are so many reasons I choose the stroller I did. Here they are:
So if you are stressing about strollers, I get it! There are so many! Also check out what car seat you want as a first step and go from there. (I will have another post soon on why I chose the car seat I did) When choosing a stroller ask yourself what features do you want? How much do you want to spend? And go test a few out in a store like BuyBuyBaby. There are a lot on the market but for me it was a no brainer on which to choose with the features that Mockingbird offer and for the price. I also love that you can customize your Mockingbird stroller colors and details to make it unique to you. ![]() |