6/9/2018 0 Comments The noble womanEver since I was little I always thought to myself, who do I want to be? What type of woman, daughter, sister, leader, and role model do I want to be. As a result, growing up I tried to be exactly what I wanted to be seen as. I tried my best to be the woman God has created me to be. Ever since ever, I knew I wanted to be a women of God. I always say who am I, if I am not spreading God's love, grace, and mercy to others around me. There have always been Noble Women around me, examples of the Proverbs 31 woman. My mom, my grandma Stump, my Grandma Dean, and others around me. I am writing this blog post not because I am even near being this noble woman, but it is something I strive to be. Since high school, and now college, I have always felt like a bit of an outcast. Unlike many of those around me. Im the "grandma" of the bunch haha Okay, not really... but kinda.... I just don't fit in because my priorities in life have always been different from kids my age. I am not in college to party and have fun. Sure, I need to get out more probably and step out of my comfort box! But, many kids my age, many girls, step outside of this "noble character" and it's not really them. To me, I am in school to get my education, to meet others, and to spread God's love. I get it... I think we all at different times in life try to be something we're not. But I want girls, to know that you don't have to step out of your own skin and be something you aren't. I've learned to love my coffee drinking, staying in on a Friday night, Jesus loving self. And if others around me at school or whatever say, "why don't you get out and have fun for once in your life" I can just say I am having fun, it's just not your definition of fun. Now I'm not saying that if you are the party, having a ton of fun type that's bad, because it's not. But I just want the girls who are trying to be that, and feel out of place, or lost, etc. You don't have to be that girl to fit in. Find yourself elsewhere. You can find yourself in Jesus. My biggest thing is just don't forget about what is truly the most important thing in life, Jesus. So why is being a Noble Woman so important to me? First... Let's start off with where in the Bible it talks about being "The Wife of Noble Character" Proverbs 31:10-31 Here are 31 Characteristics I came up with for the Noble Woman SHE IS FAITHFUL , WISE , KIND , VIRTUOUS , MODEST , STRONG , DIGNIFIED , HUMBLE , MEEK , HONORABLE FEARS NOTHING OTHER THAN GOD , SHE IS GOOD, TEACHABLE , CHARITABLE , GIVING , ENCOURAGING , LOVING , BRAVE , PRAISEWORTHY , COMPASSIONATE , LOYAL , TRUSTWORTHY , SHE GIVES HER ALL , SHE NEVER GIVES UP , she is HARDWORKING , SHE KNOWS HER WORTH , SHE IS SELFLESS , SHE IS A PROVIDER , CARING , PASSIONATE , and CONFIDENT It says she is worth far more than rubies. That her husband has full confidence in her. That she brings him good. When I look at my grandma and mom I see this in them. Every day of their life they spread goodness, they spread God's love, mercy, and grace. They aren't perfect, but they love Jesus with all their hearts, and that's what being a Noble Woman means to me. I picture a Noble Woman like the one in Proverbs waking up early, making breakfast for her husband and kids, preparing her home for another day. She is most likely tired, but there is a smile on her face because she knows that Jesus has the day ready for her. So she faces her days without fear, worry, and anxiety. Most importantly I picture her with her sights set on Jesus. He is her role model and while she might not be there yet, she is on her way to becoming a wife of noble character. She opens her arms out to all people, because everyone on this Earth is a Child of God. "She is clothed in strength and dignity, and laughs without fear of the future. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." This is a Bible verse I have looked upon my whole life. This is the type of woman I want to be. The type of wife I want to be. Clothed in strength, not from myself or the world, but Strength from God. Dignity found in Jesus and his love. Living my life with no fear of the days to come, not worrying about my future job, or planning out each and every day of my life. But letting God have full control and trusting in Him and His plan that he has for me and my life. Forgetting about all the material items and focusing on spreading God's love to those around me. It says in Proverbs 31: Charm is deceptive, and Beauty is fleeting (short / passing). BUT A WOMAN WHO FEARS THE LORD IS TO BE PRAISED Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. So girls, be yourself, follows God's plan for you, keep your faith, and strive to be the Noble Woman. Who is a Noble Woman in your life? Blessings, Sarah
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Well known for her love for Jesus, coffee, and having one arm. Sarah share's stories in her life in hope to help others. She wants you to know that,
"Our differences do not define who we are but are a part of the story that God has written for our lives." Sarah says, " I hope that I can be someone to relate to in a world of untold real stories. Everything I write is from my heart and real." "We are all created imperfectly perfect by God, we should be proud of our imperfections and differences, they make us who we are today but do not define us, know that you are beautiful and remind yourself of this everyday." |