5/30/2018 0 Comments Lets talk about self-Worth![]() I get it, you feel like you’re not enough sometimes. Sometimes you come across as confident. Sometimes your words and your actions and the way that you present yourself all seem to be carried with this poise. But deep down you’re struggling. You’re searching. You’re wondering why aren’t I enough. Let me tell you something, I truly believe this, and I want you to believe this too because it’s true. Not for one moment do I believe that Jesus wants to think that we are inadequate or not enough. I don’t want you to drown in the idea of self worth. Each and everyone of you have so much to offer in this world, so much to give this world. So much to change this world. You are valuable, you are worthy, because of him. Of course you’re going to have the nights when you feel like you’re not enough when you feel like you’re not worth it. If you have them talk to Jesus, ask him to cover you in his grace. Ask him that you wake up whole and free again. Every time you convince yourself that you’re not worthy. You get rid of the the worth that Jesus has instilled in you. Remember that with him, you are enough. With him you are made complete. We are tempted by things in this world, that make us believe that we’re not enough. That make us believe that we’re not worthy. Because we are human we fall. But with God we can rise back up. We strive for an idea of perfection that the world has created but doesn’t exist. Who is the world to say what you are, or what you should become. When we forget that we are worthy, that we are enough and that we are valuable to God, we replace the biblical view of self worth with a smaller, harmful, worldly, view of self worth. This is when we start to create idols in our lives, when we start to want to be something that we aren’t. Whether those idols have to do with beauty, money, fame, intelligence, whatever it is, we start to think, feel, and worry about the things we think we left but others have and we think that the world says we need those things. So when you start to feel this way when you start to feel not worthy. Remember that you are special, that each and every person in this world has different talents and abilities that were given to them by a God that loves that. That were placed into their life for reason and for a purpose. God made no mistake in creating you. He formed you with his own hands, perfect in his eyes. If we start looking through the eyes of God and stop looking through the fogged glasses of the world, you will begin to see your worth through God. A race the masks, take them off, take away the fake confidence or pressure that you put on yourself with that others put on you. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and free in Jesus Christ. I pray that each and everyone of you start to see yourself through the eyes of the Lord, and not only start to see yourself through the eyes of the Lord but start to see others through the eyes of him as well. This is how we can change the idea of perfection, this is how we can change the way that we view worth. You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God , and He loves you more than anyone on this earth could ever love you. You were made in his image, with his hands, perfect to him. And that is all that matters. Love, Sarah Stump
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Well known for her love for Jesus, coffee, and having one arm. Sarah share's stories in her life in hope to help others. She wants you to know that,
"Our differences do not define who we are but are a part of the story that God has written for our lives." Sarah says, " I hope that I can be someone to relate to in a world of untold real stories. Everything I write is from my heart and real." "We are all created imperfectly perfect by God, we should be proud of our imperfections and differences, they make us who we are today but do not define us, know that you are beautiful and remind yourself of this everyday." |