6/24/2018 1 Comment Fear is a liar![]() Fear takes ahold of us sometimes. It grabs our attention and get's us frustrated. Fear can have a powerful effect on us, on the way we think, our decisions, and our actions. Fear took ahold of me my senior year. I feared the lunch room, I feared the words my classmates said to and about me. "Go live your imperfectly perfect life and kill yourself" These were words that made me fear. I haven't told many about this but here I am open for you guys because maybe you too have a similar situation or are letting fear take ahold of you. We all have fears, like the fear of the dark as a kid, heights, sharks, or flying. Many of the things we fear never happen to us. The bible doesn't minimize the idea of fear, it adds to it by showing how the world will become in the end times. But why would we fear when we know who wins the final battle? So why do we fear? We fear because we are human and we listen to words, we listen to the devil's attack. When he says we aren't enough, we aren't pretty enough, or strong enough. Fear takes a lot out of you. It steals your joy and happiness, it takes your confidence, and your worth. Fear is powerful, BUT GOD IS EVEN MORE POWERFUL. That's why in order to take our fear away we have to just give it to God. Cast all your fear's to Him. In 1 John 4:18 it says, "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love" When you read this what do you think of? When i first read it I thought, oh! Im not loving you perfectly God. And then I heard him say no Sarah you don't have to love me perfectly because "I love you perfectly". I think all of us at times allow fear to take control of our lives. But if we fear God instead of other things we will begin to see how it can save us. Fearing the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Remember, He rescues us from our delusions, so he may reveal the truth that sets us free. He sits in judgment of our sin, and will forgives us, when we ask. God tells us to fear him and not fear man. God showed us this when he sent Jesus here on Earth. Jesus spoke lovingly to all, he demonstrated love beyond human understanding. Jesus lived out his words and promises. We fear the world sometimes. We lose sight of being God's children. And God wants us to be his Children. But we lose sight of that because we live in a world that is deceived and Satan is doing everything he can to take people away from God. So we need to stop, and re-evaluate. We need to share his love, because love can cast out fear. “Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love” (1 John 4:17-18). God doesn't want fear to consume ur lives, God says fear not for I am with you. In high school and still today I have found that when I begin to let fear step in and take control I have to ask myself, why would I fear when God is within me? Then I give everything to him and it's incredible how I can literally feel the fear, worry, and anxiety flee from my body. It's like there was a black sheet over me and now God has taken it off of me and said Child fear not for I am with you. I will always be with you, each day of your life. God makes some wonderful promises:
GO TO GOD WITH YOUR FEARS Ask God to guide you, to give you strength and peace. God will hear you and deliver you from all your fears. Think of how David and Paul did this. God will always understand, the good times, the bad, every challenge that you face He knows and will walk you through it. SEEK HIM In whatever you do always seek God and his presence. When you do this you will see all of your troubles be set aside, all your fear taken away like a sheet stripped from you. That bondage you are facing, give it to God. God will protect you, he will be your shield. You no longer have to walk in darkness. He sends his angles to look after you and protect you. FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE As humans we like to complain and focus on the negatives. But if we focus on the positives and beyond the fear of the world we will see how great the positive future is that God has in store for us. On our spiritual journey we must never forget how God loves us, and how we need to depend on Him. This proper perspective should lead to appreciation and praise—and a deeper love of the God who has given us everything we have and ever will receive. He loved us so much He even gave His own Son! So our relationship with God grows on that foundation. “We love Him because He first loved us,” John wrote (1 John 4:19). We can go to God with our fears. We can seek more of His Spirit. We can grow in faith in His ability to defeat anything that threatens us. We can find comfort and security in His loving care.
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Well known for her love for Jesus, coffee, and having one arm. Sarah share's stories in her life in hope to help others. She wants you to know that,
"Our differences do not define who we are but are a part of the story that God has written for our lives." Sarah says, " I hope that I can be someone to relate to in a world of untold real stories. Everything I write is from my heart and real." "We are all created imperfectly perfect by God, we should be proud of our imperfections and differences, they make us who we are today but do not define us, know that you are beautiful and remind yourself of this everyday." |