10/8/2016 1 Comment A List for Love A LIST FOR LOVE
Girls, have you ever had a list of what your perfect man would be? Or even a list of what you want in a guy? You know…. That list that we talk about with our girl friends at 3 a.m. and list off all the qualities we want our future significant other to possess. I have had “a list” my whole life… I had a very large list and every guy I met I was always disappointed because he never checked every little thing off my list. I thought that once I found “the one” that I would know it was him because he would meet almost everything on my list. As I grew older my list got longer, more complex and more of a fairytale. I couldn’t wrap my head around why I couldn’t find a single guy that met what I wanted. I was the girl who looked and looked. I dated and went on dates to see what I liked, what I wanted. I am picky and I knew exactly what I wanted. Many of you may be like me in that aspect, and you might even have “a list”. It might consist of something like this…. Or similar….. MY LIST 1.Loves Christ 2.Has a good, loving family 3.Dresses Well 4.Has a Nice Car 5.Good shoes 6.Nice hair 7.Good smile 8.Likes food 9.Respects me 10.Treats me right 11.Laughs… A LOT 12.ETC….. My list was quite large and probably a lot more detailed than the one above but hopefully you get the idea. SOOOOO…. Girls…. If you have a list learn that you don’t need it!!!! First, your perfect guy most likely isn’t going to come when you are searching for him, most likely God will give you him when you least expect it, and he might not meet everything on your list but you are going to notice something very different. To the man that made me realize I don’t need a list, You came when I least expected it and I never expected it would be you either. I was with someone at the time we met and I thought that guy was “perfect”. However, as we walked and laughed at my favorite place I realized a very important thing… that man may have checked off a few items on my list but those things on my list didn’t make me genuinely happy. Just like money can’t buy you happiness. I realized a list can’t bring me happiness either. You made me realize that my list was silly. That love isn’t about the physical features, or the nice car he drives, or the cute things he says. Love is about finding that one person that can make you laugh for hours, forget what time it is and never want to leave that person’s side. Love is someone who you want to spend every day with for the rest of your life. Love is someone who you want to share every embarrassing, quirky moment and flaw with. Love is going on an adventure at 3 am and never looking back. Love isn’t a list. Love isn’t a fancy car, nice clothes or really good hair. Even though you do have really nice hair!!! So thank you, for showing me that love isn’t a list. Love is something that comes out of the blue with someone that genuinely makes you laugh and makes you a better you when you are together. So ladies, find a man that shows you that you don’t need a silly list full of silly things that could matter less. Find a man that loves God first, loves you as you are, makes you laugh, and genuinely makes you smile and happy. You don’t need a list to find love. Sarah Stump #ImperfectlyPerfect
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Well known for her love for Jesus, coffee, and having one arm. Sarah share's stories in her life in hope to help others. She wants you to know that,
"Our differences do not define who we are but are a part of the story that God has written for our lives." Sarah says, " I hope that I can be someone to relate to in a world of untold real stories. Everything I write is from my heart and real." "We are all created imperfectly perfect by God, we should be proud of our imperfections and differences, they make us who we are today but do not define us, know that you are beautiful and remind yourself of this everyday." |