2/7/2019 0 Comments How To Plan YOUR LIFePlanning is an essential part of my life and every day as a student, blogger, and influencer. I am type A so it is essential for me to plan, create tasks, form my goals for the week, and form my to-do list. Because planning is something I love to do it is important to me that I have a planner that I love. This process is extremely difficult though. I remember when I was about 12 going to an office store with my dad and helping him find a planner for work. We were in the store for hours and he ended up not finding one, as a kid I didn't understand and thought he was crazy with a capital C! But as a young adult and a mini version of my dad. I GET IT! MY STEPS TO THE "PERFECT PLANNER" Firstly, I look for a planner with a clear cover that allows me to put my own design in the front. For my design I chose my blog name of course in my favorite shade of pink and duh cow hide print! If you don't know, I LOVE COWS! Second, I grab my two planner essentials to stay motivated and excited to plan my life. These two items include colorful pens - I prefer the Sharpie pens in fun colors. And my all time favorite - planner stickers! These keep my planner colorful and creative and make me excited to design it to how I want it. I prefer the agenda 52 stickers which you can get online or at Hobby Lobby. Here is a look at a 'calm' week for me. My tips for planning: 1. Color coat your classes & tasks 2. Use stickers for large events and to remind yourself 3. Plan 3 goals for the week 4. Keep it as simple as possible 5. Check it off when it's done. For myself planning can get complicated and stressful so it's important that I stay as organized as possible. For my planner layout I prefer there to be lines for each day, boxes with a checklist on items, room for e to write my goals, and room for weekends.
My daddy once said, "Nothing good ever comes from alcohol."
My daddy was right. Being in college my opinion is not one that many hold but I will forever hold onto this motto that my dad wrote. I've gone out, I watched a life flash before my eyes, the person I loved the most hurt all because of some drunk guy. Here is the thing, Boys... I'll never be the drunk girl you take home. Why? Because I know my worth. I find it in Jesus. Because you don't need alcohol to have a good time. Because instead of looking at the bar for my husband, I'll be looking in church. Because I don't want to be the girl you hook up with on a Friday night, but I will be the girl that makes you dinner, and I sure as heck will be a good wife and mom. "You are missing out, live a little!" These are the words I've heard for years from peers. Here's the thing, my definition of fun might not be yours and there is nothing wrong with that. There is nothing wrong with not being the girl that takes 6 shots of tequila, drinks a bottle of wine, and throws it all up afterward. That doesn't sound like fun to me at all. I know what I want in life. I know what I need to do to get there, and drinking until i throw up on a Friday night is not included in those plans. I know my worth and the type of man I deserve. I will forever rather stay in cook and bake, and do a puzzle. Is that boring? Maybe.. but it's okay to enjoy this. I'm not saying that if you do this, you can't have a plan or whatever but what I am saying is DON'T FIND YOUR WORTH IN THIS. To the ladies.... You don't need to be that girl to fit in. Your worth will never be found in a boy. You're better than this. It's okay to not go out. Just be yourself! Don't drink to impress a guy. What I'm saying is that ladies no matter how much you feel pressured in college and in your twenties, you DO NOT need to prove this to people. Be a leader. Stand up for what you believe in. Stand your ground. Keep your morals. Do a puzzle on a Saturday night. Cook a man a meal instead of letting him buy you a drink. It's okay to want to be a good wife and mom. Instead of being the drunk girl a boy takes home. Hey Gals! So if you're reading this you are probably something like me or just curious why the heck I would write this. A few weeks ago I was making my brother a wooden sign for his Christmas present and when I got to the cutting of the wood I thought to myself, do I know how to do this? The reality of it is that I had no idea what saw to use, jigsaw? table saw? the old fashioned kind? I had no idea... but stubborn independent me was going to figure it out! I picked up the wood measured where it needed to be cut, put on my safety glasses, and off I went to experiment. Just so you know, DON'T use a jigsaw! But as I struggled to get everything correct I thought to myself Dang! I need a man! Now if you know me then you know that I am an extremely strong and independent woman. Independence is truly the driving force behind everything I do, since as long as I can remember I’ve had a burning desire to never, ever rely on someone else to take care of me. Never ask for help. And to figure it out on my own. This independent nature has served me extremely well through life. It fuels my ambition, it stems some confidence, it empowers me to seek knowledge and to make all my big dreams come true. We live in a society where feminism is at an all time high, where women are fighting for their independence and working their bootys off to live up to their full potential. It is a beautiful time to be alive and a female. However I think parts of feminism are a load of bologna. Yeah I said it. Get over it. Here's the thing, I will forever be independent. I won't ask for help unless I truly need it but I've learned that asking for help doesn't show weakness. I won't look to a man for worth. But I will look to the good Lord for it. Im all for the anything you can do, I can do better: even with one arm haha but the reality is that there are just some things that the average female can't do that men can, or can't do as well as men can. My great-grandfather lifted a car off someone once, and no matter how much I go to the gym I just don't have the ability to do that because I am not a fully developed male. I had a conversation with a few friends once about men and women being equal and I'm sorry but I don't think that men and women should be equal. Call me old-fashioned but I will forever stick to the roots the Bible teaches on men and women's roles. Now I'm not saying that these don't go both ways because they do partially but for example.... If an intruder came into my home I would immediately grab my children and protect them with all my ability and I do expect my husband to take the leader role in the home and protect his family and then Ill protect my children next with all my power. ROLE OF THE HUSBAND
ROLE OF THE WIFE There are ranks described—Christ, the husband, the wife, and then the children. You would not expect to walk into a doctor's office and be greeted by the doctor, measured and weighed by the receptionist, and then treated by the nurse. Right? There are certain orders to things because that's what works.
12/29/2018 0 Comments 8,165 MilesA U C K L A N D • The place where my biggest dream came true. The place where I felt my most free. The place where my heart became whole again. The place where the one person that understood me more than anyone lived. 8,165 miles away. But forever holds a piece of me. Now I can remember it forever in every home I move to. Thank you @grafomap for engraving a memory into my home. Most of you know but my best friend Paige lives in New Zealand and we have been friends for basically before time. You can watch our story here. I was excited to collaborate with grafomap because Paige and Auckland mean so much to me and the fact that I get to take this incredible photo everywhere I go means that I can forever remember the memories that her and I have in Auckland. Also grafomap made the process of choosing which city I wanted so EASY! You just enter in the city you want and boom! it goes onto the map and you just check out and it comes straight to you. I was highly impressed with the easy to use process that anyone could do and the timing of the package on it's arrival. It is the perfect sentimental gift that will mean more to those you love than you'll ever know. Whether it's your favorite vacation destination, or your small hometown that you never want to forget. It will stay in your home and remind you of the times you wish, had, or mean the most to you. 12/26/2018 0 Comments Thank god for brothersMost people don't know but I have an older brother. He's two years older than me and sometimes a pain in my rear end. But overall as much as I said "I hate you!" as a kid, I love my brother more than anything.
As kids, we shared a bedroom for years!!! I remember we had this tiny tv in our room and we would watch old western movies and summer of the monkey's on it over and over. After a classic Lone Ranger film we would grab our pretend guns, I threw on my brothers jeans and a baggy t-shirt and we would sit at our table with pencils as our cigars, oatmeal in water for "grits" and water as our "beer" hahahaha Classic Times! I always get questions from parents about how my brother felt growing up with a sister having only one arm and honestly I've never really asked him. In high school if someone were to ever say anything I knew he'd defend me and protect me. But growing up there was nothing that I couldn't do. As kids we played together in the dirt, snow, mud. Once we decided to "run away" from home and so we grabbed out basic necessities you know... like my leap frog and his guns and we walked down our long lane, sat down, and I think we sat there for a few hours then decided we were hungry or something. I have so many good memories with my brother like filling up a big jug full of worms after it rained. And then high school happened.... I started getting girly, liking fashion and doing pageants and we got along a little less. I think this happens to most siblings but one thing I always knew was that my brother would protect me no matter what. Sure you aren't always going to get along perfectly with a sibling but don't forget to Thank God for them. Yesterday I went to my brothers to shoot his gun and it reminded me how lucky I am to have been blessed with him as my brother. When I was shooting we ran into the issue of my arm not being steady because I don't have another one to hold onto it with. My brother so kindly said to me "we will figure out a way, try this" As I left my brothers house I am sure he didn't know how much it meant to me that he tried to help me figure out a way. But his kindness and compassion for his little sister was the sweetest thing. Sure brothers are going to get on your nerves more than once, they will come barging in your room when you don't want them to. They will steal your phone to get the scoop on the boy you like so that they can know where to find him if he hurts you. And they are going to get the guns out to clean when you have your first date. They will tell you how they don't like the boys you date and in my case how much of a man they are not! (Also listen to your brother when he says this because brothers really can tell the difference between a boy and a man.) And while at the time you might hate it and he will be on your last nerve. In all reality later in life when you learn to appreciate it all and you begin to understand that your brother only wants the best for you. You will see how blessed you are that God gave you a brother. So to my brother.... As much as you get on my nerves sometimes and I know I get on yours too, I am extremely grateful to have you as my brother. Thanks for protecting me, for being extremely picky about the guys I go on dates with, thanks for putting me in my place when I lose sight of what's important in life. Thanks for being a loving, thoughtful, and compassionate person and for helping me figure out a way to do something one handed. You are pretty cool I guess. Love Ya! |
Well known for her love for Jesus, coffee, and having one arm. Sarah share's stories in her life in hope to help others. She wants you to know that,
"Our differences do not define who we are but are a part of the story that God has written for our lives." Sarah says, " I hope that I can be someone to relate to in a world of untold real stories. Everything I write is from my heart and real." "We are all created imperfectly perfect by God, we should be proud of our imperfections and differences, they make us who we are today but do not define us, know that you are beautiful and remind yourself of this everyday." |